Online Training Courses

Fantasy Lash Academy  has trained and certified hundreds of students all over Canada. Using only highest quality products, you are sure to build your clientele quickly and feel confident rebooking and knowing your client will have beautiful, long lasting results. 
Now offering online training! You can train anytime, anywhere, in the comfort of your own home!

✅save time and money. No need to travel to train and save money with online course which is a fraction of the cost of in person training

✅receive full kits. Enough to do at least 25 clients 

✅lifetime mentoring with FLA 

✅become certified and ready to take clients in as little as 2 days

✅videos can be streamed for years to come! You will have them forever 

✅hardcopy and digital version of the Book included 

✅client intake waivers included 

✅bonus: business building